Live Generously

10% of every dollar given immediately goes back out to our community.

Why Give?

Money and church can be an awkward conversation that causes a lot of tension, but it doesn’t have to be. At Cityline, we recognize that we don’t give because God needs our money. We also don’t give because the church needs our money. It’s much bigger than that.

Every weekend at Cityline, we take 10% of our collective giving and immediately give that back to our community. We do this in the form of community partnerships, benevolence, homeless outreach, city project, and more. We don't do this to be "holier than thou." We do this because God has called us as a community to seek the welfare of our cities.

As followers of Jesus, we give because God asked us to. In doing so, his heart is blessed by our obedience. God knows that our loyalty is found where our money is (Matthew 6:19-21). And because God wants to be first in our lives, he asks us to trust Him with our money.

If you call Cityline Church home, we encourage you to give generously knowing that your contributions are being used to prosper our communities and build the kingdom of God through the local church.

Community & Global Partners

90 Day Tithe Challenge

Our desire is to consistently lean into all that God wants to do in and through our lives. We recognize that taking next steps in faith can feel challenging and risky, however; scripture invites us to trust Jesus in every area of our lives especially when it comes to the money and resources that God has entrusted to us. The good news is that scripture reminds us that we can absolutely trust God to provide. The 90 Day Tithe Challenge is for those who have never trusted God by way of tithing or those who are not currently tithing to God through Cityline Church. If you choose to take the challenge and begin to tithe (give 10% of your earnings off the top) for 90 days to Cityline Church and at the end of the 90 days, if you believe that God hasn’t blessed you for your obedience or you have not experienced God's provision, Cityline Church will return to you your documented giving from the 90-day period. That is correct, at your request, we will return your money to you!

2023 Impact Report

We want to say thank you Cityline! Because of your willingness to model service and generosity, every week we have the honor of helping kids, students, adults, friends and families discover and follow Jesus. Throughout 2023, you have shared your time, money, resources, skills, homes, support, encouragement and so much more. There are no words to describe just how grateful we are for you and your partnership in the mission of Cityline Church. Because of your willingness to say “yes” to Jesus and live generously, together we get to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God, powerful breakthroughs, physical and emotional healing, relational renewal, freedom in Jesus and ongoing transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The following impact report is designed to help give you a snapshot into the life and ministry of Cityline Church over the past year. All that we do and have the opportunity to experience as a church doesn’t happen without your active participation and faithful financial contribution to the mission and vision of Cityline Church. Don’t misunderstand, God is fully capable to do all things without our help. Yet because God, being a good, generous and loving God, he invites us to partner with Him and His work in the world, we get to do this together! We thank you for your decision to partner with us, and we can’t wait to experience the greater things that God has in store for Cityline Church in 2024.

Click below to see the impact your generosity made throughout 2023.