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“What Is It?”
April 14, 2024
Cityline Church
Jack Anthony Sheets
Lead Pastor

4  Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

34  “Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.” 35  Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:34-35

39  You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,  40  yet you refuse to come to me to have life. John 5:39-40

If we misunderstand what the Bible is, we will turn it into something it’s not.

What It’s Not

  • Not a book.
  • Not a puzzle.
  • Not a self-help list of do’s and don’ts.

What Is It?

The Bible: A library of writings that are both human and divine that together tell the unified story that leads us to Jesus.

  • 66 documents known as books. 39 = O.T. and 27= N.T.
  • Written by over 40 different authors. 3 different languages.
  • Over a period of more than 1500 years.

20  Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things.  21  For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21

13  And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. 1 Thessalonians 2:13

What is the Bible for?

  • To know who God is.
  • To tell the story of human history from God’s perspective.
  • To shape and form us into a people of God so we can partner in the ongoing story of God.

12  For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrew 4:12

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